Oak Island Lighthouse Coupons

Was activated in 1958 and still in operation today. It is 148 meters high, despite the erroneous belief that is 169 meters high. In fact, on a slope, so the lighthouse is 169 feet above the water.

Located in Caswell Beach Station of the U.S. Coast Guard, the lighthouse is not open to the public.

Characterized by three bands of color black tank top, white in the center and gray on the bottom, but unlike most of the North Carolina Lighthouses, is a spiral staircase.

Instead, there are stairs to provide boats for over one hundred and thirty steps to the top!

This lighthouse was one of the last along the North Carolina Coast, and the time it was built, it will cost $ 110,000.00.

The great thing about the lighthouse that you can get a tour! Your guide will tell you everything about the history of the lighthouse, and tell you some things you can not find anywhere else!

Also access to the boardwalk and observation deck!