Charleston Restaurant Week back in September Coupons

We love it when the cities will present their specialties and food service companies with things such as one week restaurant in town. It is therefore logical that we’d like Charleston Restaurant Week, scheduled this year for Sept. 7 to 18.

A celebration of world-class cuisine of the Lowcountry, participating restaurants in the Charleston restaurant menus week fixed price offer three elements at a price: $ 20, $ 30 or $ 40. And with over 90 participating restaurants ranging from casual to five star hotel, guests will find the best deals on old favorites and the restaurants you’ve been dying to try. While a complete list of participating restaurants will not be released until Friday, August 19 (one can not wait!), Can “feed” some knowledge, including 82 Queen Restaurant & Bar BLU Library, Anchorage Inn, Charleston Grill, Illinois Cortile Del Re, Anson, Blossom, Magnolia, seafood Hyman, and around 1886. With tons more to be announced on Friday!

Check out the Charleston Restaurant Association website for a complete list of participating restaurants (starts Friday) and menus. Or on Facebook at food festivals and events Charleston.