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Mooney's History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees : Containing the
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of the Cherokee and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees
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Voyage to Carolina ~ Usually ships in 24
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Investigations at 38Ge377 : Examinations of a Deep Creek Phase Site and a
Portion of the Eighteenth Century Roseberry Plantation, 37
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- Melissa Hardy / Paperback / Published 1995
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Investigations of Prehistoric and Historic Lifeways on Callawassie and Spring
Islands, Beaufort Country, South Carolina (Research Series No 2)
- Michael Trinkley(Editor) / Paperback / Published 1991
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Carolinians the Indians of North Carolina
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Voyage to Carolina
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Powwows, Lore & More from the Past & the Present (Carole Marsh
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Prehistory of North Carolina : An Archaeological Symposium
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Second Phase of Archaeological Survey on Spring Island, Beaufort County, South
Carolina : Investigation of Prehistoric and Historic Settlement Pa
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Carolina Indians, Indian Traders, and Other Ethnic Connections : Beginning in
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Archaeological Context for the South Carolina Woodland Period (Research
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Series, 35)
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Testing of Six Sites on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina
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investigations in the Yadkin River Valley, 1984-1987
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Carolina Indian Frontier (Tricentennial Booklet, No. 6)
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Indian Tribe of South Carolina Land Claims Settlement Act of 1993 : hearing
before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Third
Congress, first session, on S. 1156, to provide for the settlement of land
claims of the Catawba Tribe of Indians in the state of South Carolina and the
restoration of the federal trust relationship with the Tribe, July 22, 1993,
Washington, DC
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Indian Tribe of South Carolina Land Claims Settlement Act of 1993 : hearing
before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural
Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session,
on H.R. 2399, to provide for the settlement of land claims of the Catawba Tribe
of Indians in the state of South Carolina and the restoration of the federal
trust relationship with the tribe, and for other purposes, hearing held in
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Representatives, and the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States
Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, on H.R. 1426, Lumbee
Recognition Act, and S. 1036, Lumbee Recognition Act : hearing held in
Washington, DC, August 1, 1991
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Act, hearing held in Washington, DC, September 26, 1989
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